So, I have been looking out for a metal storage cabinet to keep stuff in, and recently found one on craigslist.org. We went to buy it, but sadly, the owner left it on the street that day and oops, someone ran off with it. He said he'd email when he was ready to sell his other one... and was very apologetic. Happily, on Monday he emailed, and last night we went to pick up the other cabinet for $60. I quicky rearranged the storage area to accommodate it, and leveled the spot a bit.
It is quite large, so getting it into the back of the garden in the dark was an adventure, but luckily Matt is a strapping lad and did it almost all on his own. Now we just have to figure out how to make it more secure (Gary says that a cable wrapped around with padlock is the way to go) and figure out whether or not to paint it now, or wait til it gets tagged to do that... urban garden joy!
Today my half price sale order from Bluestone Perennials in Ohio came in the mail. First time I've ordered plants online, and probably the last. While they were in good shape, they're all quite small (3-4" pots) and if I'd paid full price I'd be quite disappointed I think. However, 18 plants for about $3.50 each is OK. I got:
- 3 Achillea millefolium "Walter Funke"
- 3 Armeria pseudarmeria "Joystick Lilac" (Sea Thrift)
- 3 Festuca glauca (Blue Fescue)
- 3 Kniphofia uvaria "Flamenco"
- 3 Oenothera versicolor "Sunset Blvd." (Evening Primrose)
- 3 Silene coronaria "Gardener's World" (Rose Campion)
I got them all planted and watered in right away - I hope they hit the ground running!
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