Articles and videos:
NBC Bay Area, Friday September 20, 2013
San Francisco's Guerrilla Gardener Beautifies Potrero Hill
By Garvin Thomas
San Francisco Chronicle, Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Neighbor digs in till ugly spots bloom
By Julian Guthrie
The Potrero View, January 2013
Pennsylvania Street Garden Grows
By Leeandrea Morton
Neighborhood Empowerment Network, July 1, 2011
Getting Dirty In San Francisco
Neighborhood Empowerment Network, Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Pennsylvania Garden: The Jewel of Potrero Hill
Neighborhood Empowerment Network, Wednesday, October 27, 2010
How to Plan Out Your Own Community Garden
San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday August 8, 2010
Rehabilitating injured land
By Joe Eaton and Ron Sullivan
Neighborhood Empowerment Network, Thursday, July 15, 2010
How To Work Magic With Your Volunteers
Neighborhood Empowerment Network, Thursday, May 20, 2010
From Guerrillas to Grants
Neighborhood Empowerment Network, Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Guerrillas in the Garden
Pacific Horticulture, January, 2010
Guerrillas in the Fog: A Resource Guide
By Josh Schechtel
San Francisco Examiner, October 29, 2009
Community effort grows into garden
By Katie Worth
The Potrero View, September 2009
Caltrans Tries to Drive Over Pennsylvania Garden
By Anthony Myers
The Potrero View, August 2009
Resident Creates Garden at 280 Off-Ramp
By Mary Purpura, April 10, 2009
How To: Garden What's Not Yours
By Steven Leckart, February 17, 2009
San Francisco Guerilla Gardener
By Hazel White
Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association
May 28, 2013
Invasive Flora Award
"For once again creating a beautiful green space out of unforgiving vacant land, and moving Caltrain and earth to make it happen."
State of California - Senator Mark Leno
May 28, 2013
Certificate of Recognition
"I commend your commitment and dedication to the Potrero Hill neighborhood. It is through your steadfast work in creating the Pennsylvania Railroad Park that our community is improved and our lives made better. Congratulations and thank you for all you do!"

Most Greenified Block Award
The first time this award has been given, and it goes to Pennsylvania Railroad Garden with 23 trees from FuF and 850 other plants.
San Francisco Beautiful
June 7, 2010
2010 Beautification Award
Awarded to four winners this year for "efforts which go above and beyond the ordinary, represent committed efforts and contribute to making this a better place to live, work and visit now and in the future."
Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association
May 25, 2010
The Green Colored Glasses Award
"For her creativity in seeing public gardens in Potrero Hill that no one else sees, and her tenacity in making those public gardens real."