Well I'm here as a gardener to tell you that when you spend time in P. Garden it's often too hot! Not rainy enough!
This morning at 7.30am the sprinklers were going off and I was so annoyed by the mess they were making that I went over and switched one off, and diverted another to at least sprinkle something useful. I'd spoken to Jack at Caltrans yesterday about my lack of enthusiasm for the job done there (thanks Jes for encouraging me), and he said he'd come out on Monday to meet me and talk about it all. OK then.
Today we staked the yellow standard rose, and sprayed the white one for blackspot. Sprayed a Sedum for aphids. And staked the remaining Cordyline. Took the beheaded one's tip in the house - maybe it will root. Weeded the Aloe area - again. Planted some succulents as ground cover there conveniently brought today by Leah. She also brought another ground cover plant (Myoporum spp.) for the steps (already planted) some sage, 2 big, lovely blue Agaves and a bucket o'pups too!
We also pulled out all the California poppies in the front bed that were rotted by excess water (pic above of the bed now). Grrr. Now I am going to have to think of a good perennial, dog-proof, flowering plant to put in - perhaps the Gaillardias will get drafted from the Canna bed to fill the gap.
We were also visited by Max who made a NICE donation to the bench fund, which he politely waited to do until after I told him the saga of looking for the correct wood, correct dimensions, etc etc etc... Ha! So now I have no mas excusas. Let's see that bench!
Shortly after Max came by Audrey and Peter from the Potrero Hill Garden Club dropped by. They asked me if P Garden would like to participate in the first ever Potrero Hill Garden Tour, to benefit the Potrero Library Campaign. Heck yeah! It's Sunday September 13th, so I'll need to get organized if I want to sell some plants at the tour.
Should be fun!
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