From left to right, top to bottom:
Gasteria bicolor (Lawyer's Tongue)
Salvia leucantha (Mexican Bush Sage)**
Tulbaghia (Society Garlic - Variegated)
Dianthus barbatus nigrescens "Sooty"
I also noticed that a big clump of what I thought was Crocosmia in the Canna bed is getting ready to flower with white flowers... so maybe it's a clump of Watsonia? Anyway, I'm surprised it's flowering at all, as I thought we'd have to wait a year to see flowers in that bed. Another Crocosmia clump looks like it might have red flowers - nice surprise if so, as I thought all our donated Crocosmias were orange!
*Points have no cash value. Points may be redeemed at the garden. 10 points = a hearty "well done!" from me, delivered in person. Points are not transferrable, but never expire.
**Thanks for the ID, Paw!
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