Last night
John and I went to Redwood City to pick up some
Euphorbias that were about to be thrown away by an older couple. In this instance the
Euphorbias were the cactus type (not the leafy type) and many of them were looking less than optimal but we loaded up John's entire truck and hauled them home. I'll sort through them later and see what can be salvaged, but naturally I'm as grateful as ever to John for taking all the time to help me get these plants :)

There were also some bulbs I can't identify - anyone know what they are? They have mini-bulbs growing off their sides, and one has an as yet unopened flower stalk. The bigger bulbs are 6" across. Update: they're
Ornithogalum longibracteatum - Pregnant Onion plant. Should have a nice white flower, and needs a bit of shade.
I did a bit of twig weaving for the borders last night too - some of the plants in the front left border smell distinctly of dog pee, and since a whole clump of
Dietes died of dog pee poisoning recently I need to protect what's left. Hope it works. Most dog owners don't know that dog pee kills plants, but if I put up a sign asking people to stop their dogs watering the plants no doubt it will be ignored or stolen.
This morning I noted that the
Cineraria stellata plants
Leah gave us were wilting, so
Matt and I put them in the ground quickly, under a shady tree. They should perk back up.
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