Sunday, March 10, 2019

Preparing for a big workday

Agave vilmoriniana
"Stained Glass"
We have a corporate workday on Wednesday March 13th: we're excited to have 40 volunteers from Juul coming to PRG to help weed! If you'd like to join us, we're going from 11.30am-2.30pm.

This means lots of planning. I am ordering wood chips, organizing extra tools, buying more gloves, and need to get lots of beverages too.

In addition, I've been at the garden preparing. Which feels a bit like cleaning before a house cleaner comes, but I want everything to be ready to go. That means preparing for a huge amount of wood chips that, if they are dropped on the street, need to be moved OFF the street and into the beds in one session: we cannot leave piles of wood chips on the street!

Acacia melanoxylon
(Black Acacia)
So I've been taking a census of areas that a) need heavy weeding, b) need a light weeding or c) need no weeding before wood chips can be spread there. I've been working on weeding areas that only need a little work to be chip ready, and right now PRG is divided equally between those three categories.

Gonna see how much weeding I can do in the next three days to prepare! Yesterday I did the top area, and planted a dozen Nassella tenuissima too. Today is too rainy... try again tomorrow.

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