Sunday, February 4, 2018

Workday follow up

Paperwhites - worth a sniff!
Today Matt and I went back to PG to do something to prevent the inevitable: a new encampment in the back area.

Matt cut a number of large Yucca branches, and we planted five of them along the terraces. We have more waiting to be planted, and will add some Agave americanas as well so this area is as inhospitable as can be.

I also planted out 8 smaller potted Agaves, various species - all that was left after the homeless people destroyed all the plants we were propagating down at the back of the garden.

We will need to plant not only more Yuccas and Agaves, but also be very vigilant that another encampment doesn't spring up. If you see one, let me know right away by emailing annie at, AND by following the directions here for encampments at PG, which is Caltrans land:
  1. First post a CSR here . You will receive a CSR number by email, automatically
  2. Call Caltrans rep Dennis at (510) 286-6438 and tell him the CSR number 
  3. Within 7-10 days they remove the encampment.
  4. It will return! However, when you repeat the above process 3 times, the state posts the area meaning there's more protection.
For encampments at PRG down the block, which is DPW land, here's what to do:
  1. Call 311 or use the 311 app ( to report the issue of an encampment at PG or PRG. I’ve already done this, but it’s not about me calling 10 times – a faster response comes from 10 people calling once each, according to the city.
  2. Call 911 if you feel threatened at all.
  3. Call Animal Care & Control at (415) 554-6364 if you see an animal in an encampment that is suffering, or behaving aggressively.

After - Furcraea
I also weeded heavily and moved a burned Furcraea to the front where it can recover, positioning the burned side out of sight. Matt rescued a Dasylirion and put it in what will be a new bed at the top of the garden, too.

Right now the garden looks serene. Let's keep it that way.

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