However, Matt, Emily and I got to work around 9am setting up the tents, tables and chairs Gary had generously loaned us. You can see them in the photo Max took, above. Matt and I zoomed up to Audrey's to get a donation (thanks!) and then Matt went to print out the brochure he'd designed for the garden, and the signs for the street.
Mayhem ensued.
I caught glimpses of Leah and Josh selling plants (always an upsell - some people ended up buying a couple dozen plants!) and Matt wheelbarrowing deliveries to people's cars or homes, if they lived nearby. We had a couple lulls in the action to restock, but we kept selling and selling. Sometime around 5.30 everyone was gone and we had put everything away (thanks for your help Kieth and Donna!) and we flopped down with a glass of apple juice (thanks Whole Foods!)
A short sugar rush later, we'd packed away the tents and tables, and Emily, Matt and I went to my house to count the takings. $1,116! It was all worth it - I hope this will cover the info kiosk for the front of the garden, and I'm going to start working on that on Monday.
THANK YOU to all the volunteers and all the plant donors. Without you this sale would have consisted of me sitting on the dirt with 3 or 4 sad looking plants. And it ended up being a great success. Three cheers for YOU!
PS I didn't take any pics, but thank goodness Emily did! See her shots here. Also I snagged one of Josh and his dog Cosmo assisting us at the sale, above. Awww. And a couple others ;)
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