Photos: Malcolmia (Virginia stock), Watsonia and Papaver rhoeas (Flanders poppy)
I have been a bit jangled this week getting ready for my International Guerrilla Sunflower Day planting tomorrow. So much to do!
- Get compost from WholeFoods
- Get t-posts or rebar to make a fence around the sunflowers (Gary!)
- Get tying wire to fix the hole in the fence down there
- Get a garden fork from the hardware store
- Give pep talk to sunflower seedlings
It is supposed to rain today. Which would be brilliant for the plants. Except that aside from a few drops earlier, it looks suspiciously like another warmish, cloudy-ish, but basically sunny Spring day in Frisky Town. Drat.
In other news, Roger from renowned coffe shop Farley's up the hill stopped us on the street this morning to ask if I was the one doing the garden. He loves it, and he's gonna sort out some coffee ground for us (for use as compost, mulch) - woohoo! We had been going to Starbucks for grounds but they recently put the brakes on that, and besides, we'd like to support our local business anyway. Yeah!
Last night I potted up the cactus cuttings that Denise donated. They're chunky fellas - and very spiny. Love it - thanks Denise!

Update: it rained, properly - hurrah! After work I rushed over to the San Francisco Botanical Society preview sale. It was a zoo, and full of tipsy gardeners making rash decisions about fluffy rhododendrons. I personally kept things low profile, only picking up the following:
- Iris douglasiana (Douglas Iris - garden hybrid)
- A very dark red Sedum (no label, could be "Lynda Windsor" or something)
- Salvia gesneriiflora "Tequila" (Big Mexican Scarlet Sage) - "it's huge" - three separate volunteers told me. "I know" I replied, smugly. Have been wanting one since we saw one when the parents were over visiting.
See? I can make sensible plant decisions! And I know just where to plant 'em ;)
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