Our friends over at GuerrillaGardening.org have reminded us that this Sunday May 1st is Guerrilla Sunflower Day
"We plant sunflowers beyond our boundaries, in verges, shabby flower beds, crevices, along fences, tree pits. Some thrive, some fail. It's the fifth year we've rallied together on this day and thousands are already signed up online making plans. Go out solo or find friends to wander around planting hope together, strike up conversations with passers by and take photos, share your progress online and let me know how you get on. There's a video with tips here."
Since San Francisco's weather is pretty different to that of the UK, I recommend that if you plant sunflower seeds on May 1st you should water them regularly since we won't get much more rain. Alternately I recommend planting California poppies. They're tough, they're native, and they don't need much help at all to get going. Grab a packet of seeds today and go out and sprinkle them around your neighborhood this weekend.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Ice, ice, baby!
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Lampranthus spectabilis |
Starting along the cactus wall you'll see orange Malephora crassa, bright candy red Lampranthus spectabilis and pinky-purple Drosanthemum floribundum.
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Malephora crassa |
You'd have to be blind to miss these flowers. Actually, the colors are so bright your vision may become impaired. Don't stare into the flowers too long!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Matt's new project |
In the meantime, Matt was busy on a project. He cleared out under the Pittosporum tree at the top of the garden and planted three Echium pininana (Giant Viper's bugloss), surrounded by lots of the Lychnis coronaria (Rose Campion) that John gave us recently. Should make for quite a dramatic little bed!
After the tour left I weeded the bed formerly known as the red bed, but which we are now calling the "bright bed" since it contains bright colored flowering perennials. Calling it the red bed led to an obsessive fixation with buying only red-flowered plants for that area which was becoming quite monotonous!
Morel mushrooms |
Got everything watered in, mulched and done. Pow!
Bottom pic shows some morel mushrooms that Dee pointed out to me yesterday. Fancy!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Wildlife has a wild life
I see you creeping up on me... |
After that I met Dee at PG and we weeded for an hour - got the front bed sorted out, and I also planted two Coreopsis and a variegated Agapanthus in the middle back bed.
A nasty smell had been wafting across the neighborhood all morning. I saw Juana walking her dogs and she told me there was an unfortunate skunk who'd been killed in the intersection at 18th where the off ramp ends. Where was he going to? Coming from? Why did the skunk cross the road? We'll never know.
OK that's it - I'm out! |
Shortly after Nate and Tanya came by and pointed out that we had more wildlife in the garden. A juvenile red-tailed hawk (probably) was sitting on the wooden arch, making that whiny baby hawk cry they do when they want their parents to feed them. I managed to get a picture before s/he flew away. Pretty cool.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Plant profile: Phlomis
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P. fruticosa |
Latin name: Phlomis ("FLO-miss")
Common name: Jerusalem Sage, or, if you're Matt, Flomax.
Originally from: the Mediterranean, across central Asia to China
Blooms: Various colors include yellow, pink, purple and white, depending on the species.
Light: Full sun, part sun.
Water: Rain is plenty. No summer water!
Drainage: Excellent
Height x width: 4' tall x 6' wide
USDA Zone: 7-11
Where to find in P. Garden: We have three yellow ones (P. fruticosa) in the left bed and middle back bed, and a purple one (P. purpurea) directly in front of the bench.
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P. fruticosa |
Inspired by that, in December 2010 I got a Phlomis purpurea which is quite busy growing. This one, as the name hints, has purple flowers.
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P. purpurea |
plant profile
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Watch the neighbors! No, wait - I mean...
You are invited to attend the 200 Block Pennsylvania Ave Neighborhood Watch 3rd Meeting.
Tuesday, April 19th, 7 – 8pm
208 Pennsylvania Ave #205 – Muller Residence
Our recently formed neighborhood watch group is currently focused on the following priorities:
1. Closing 280 Exit curve onto Pennsylvania Ave.
2. Eliminating Auto Break-In’s on Pennsylvania Ave.
3. Reducing Domestic Disturbances on Pennsylvania Ave.
4. Lighting in Pennsylvania Gardens
5. Traffic Calming at 18th & Mariposa St. Intersections
6. Emergency Preparedness
If you are interested in any of the above items, have any other neighborhood safety concerns, or just want to participate in making our street more safe please join us.
Questions? Please email Jim Wilkins at wilkins.jim at gmail dot com
You are invited to attend the 200 Block Pennsylvania Ave Neighborhood Watch 3rd Meeting.
Tuesday, April 19th, 7 – 8pm
208 Pennsylvania Ave #205 – Muller Residence
Our recently formed neighborhood watch group is currently focused on the following priorities:
1. Closing 280 Exit curve onto Pennsylvania Ave.
2. Eliminating Auto Break-In’s on Pennsylvania Ave.
3. Reducing Domestic Disturbances on Pennsylvania Ave.
4. Lighting in Pennsylvania Gardens
5. Traffic Calming at 18th & Mariposa St. Intersections
6. Emergency Preparedness
If you are interested in any of the above items, have any other neighborhood safety concerns, or just want to participate in making our street more safe please join us.
Questions? Please email Jim Wilkins at wilkins.jim at gmail dot com
neighborhood watch
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Another sunny day in Potrero Hill
It's always sunnier here on the hill, and today I saw fog elsewhere while we were bathed in warmth.
I had a quick trip to the garden and cut back some plants that were growing into pathways, watered some potted plants, and took a few photos.
I think we'll need to start the sprinklers soon as the garden is getting dry. This year we'll have 45 mins of sprinkling once a week from May to October. Just enough, but still a very low rate of watering.
I had a quick trip to the garden and cut back some plants that were growing into pathways, watered some potted plants, and took a few photos.
I think we'll need to start the sprinklers soon as the garden is getting dry. This year we'll have 45 mins of sprinkling once a week from May to October. Just enough, but still a very low rate of watering.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Plant profile: Pelargonium
"I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition."
This quote from none other than the USA's first ever First Lady, Martha Washington, is a valuable but somewhat finger-wagging reminder to keep your upper lip stiff, and look on the bright side, kids.
And if there's any plant that does not suffer from a dejected attitude or lack of spirit, it's the Pelargonium, or geranium as it's commonly known. Common being the operative word! They are not only freely available, inexpensive and easy to propagate, but they also have a Carmen Miranda-ish flamboyance that the early settlers of the US probably loved, giddy as they were with their new-found freedom (haha)!
When geraniums were introduced to the gardening public back in the 1600s, they included the species we now refer to as Pelargonium, or potted geranium, as well as the ones of the true Geranium genus. By the time Pelargonium was split off as its own genus, it was too late to try to change the name that had been in use, and the common name geranium stuck for both genera to this day. Oh well.
Latin name: Pelargonium ("pell-ar-GO-nee-um")
Common name: Geranium
Originally from: South Africa, mostly, though they occur in Australia, New Zealand, Madagascar,Yemen, Asia Minor and two very isolated islands in the south Atlantic ocean (St. Helena and Tristan da Cunha).
Blooms: The entire plant is covered in masses of bright orange multi-petalled flowers in spring.
Light: Full sun, part shade
Water: Rain is plenty. No summer water!
Where to find in P. Garden: We keep ours behind the wrong way sign - they love the heat.
A large genus of 250 species of South African herbs and shrubs, the first Pelargoniums known to be cultivated was Pelargonium triste, from South Africa. Likely brought to the botanical garden in Leiden, Netherlands before 1600 on ships which stopped at the Cape of Good Hope, in 1631, the English gardener John Tradescant the elder bought seeds from Rene Morin in Paris and introduced the plant to England.
To bring this post full circle, when they arrived in the USA is anyone's guess, but one particularly showy type became popular in the early 1900s: The Lady or Martha Washington geraniums (Pelargonium x domesticum) Yes, they're gaudy colored, but as one might paraphrase Martha Washington: "Quit whining!"
This quote from none other than the USA's first ever First Lady, Martha Washington, is a valuable but somewhat finger-wagging reminder to keep your upper lip stiff, and look on the bright side, kids.
And if there's any plant that does not suffer from a dejected attitude or lack of spirit, it's the Pelargonium, or geranium as it's commonly known. Common being the operative word! They are not only freely available, inexpensive and easy to propagate, but they also have a Carmen Miranda-ish flamboyance that the early settlers of the US probably loved, giddy as they were with their new-found freedom (haha)!
When geraniums were introduced to the gardening public back in the 1600s, they included the species we now refer to as Pelargonium, or potted geranium, as well as the ones of the true Geranium genus. By the time Pelargonium was split off as its own genus, it was too late to try to change the name that had been in use, and the common name geranium stuck for both genera to this day. Oh well.
Latin name: Pelargonium ("pell-ar-GO-nee-um")
Common name: Geranium
Originally from: South Africa, mostly, though they occur in Australia, New Zealand, Madagascar,Yemen, Asia Minor and two very isolated islands in the south Atlantic ocean (St. Helena and Tristan da Cunha).
Blooms: The entire plant is covered in masses of bright orange multi-petalled flowers in spring.
Light: Full sun, part shade
Water: Rain is plenty. No summer water!
Where to find in P. Garden: We keep ours behind the wrong way sign - they love the heat.

In 1738 Johannes Burman introduced the name Pelargonium, from the Greek πελαργός, pelargós, stork, because part of the flower looks like a stork's beak. In fact, the common name for Pelargoniums is Crane's Bill to this day.
To bring this post full circle, when they arrived in the USA is anyone's guess, but one particularly showy type became popular in the early 1900s: The Lady or Martha Washington geraniums (Pelargonium x domesticum) Yes, they're gaudy colored, but as one might paraphrase Martha Washington: "Quit whining!"
plant profile
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Great Compost Giveaway!
Recology is giving away compost this Saturday from 8 am -12 noon… Bring your own bucket and get some of the goodness for your garden, or heck: grab a load for Pennsylvania Garden! We can certainly use it.
More details can be seen here: http://sunsetscavenger.com/
More details can be seen here: http://sunsetscavenger.com/
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Shout Out to Starbucks

In case you want to know why we are using coffee grounds at Pennsylvania Garden, here are a few reasons:
1) For side dressing plants that like extra nitrogen (like roses!). Try to put down a one inch layer
2) Creating a ring of grounds around plants that are susceptible to slugs and snails, which hate the coarse texture and acid of the coffee grounds (it seems to work!)
3) Adding it to our compost pile as a source of extra nitrogen
In case you haven't been by the garden to check out the newly spruced up pathway along the cactus wall, I recommend going for a stroll and stop and smell the roses there. You may get a whiff of coffee too!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Windy, and purply
It's seriously windy today. I went to the garden at lunchtime to pot up twenty one 4" pots of Lychnis coronaria (rose campion) that were given to us by John. The pots were flying all over the place!
I love the intense pink color of the rose campion, so hopefully the seedlings will take and we can put them all over the place.
The middle back bed is looking nice today. I had planned it to include many shades of purplle and silver, and the photo here shows just that! Working from lower left in a clockwise fashion we have silvery lamb's ears (Stachys byzantina), variegated Society Garlic (Tulbaghia violacea), more lamb's ears, orange California poppies, blue pincushion flowers (Scabiosa), Lavendula stoechas "Madrid Purple" (lavender), and in front of that the strappy leaves of Aristea major (about to flower for the first time!), then silvery Plectranthus argentatus, a purple Lantana camera, and finally the Pacific Coast iris (Iris douglasiana) on the bottom right.
I love the intense pink color of the rose campion, so hopefully the seedlings will take and we can put them all over the place.
The middle back bed is looking nice today. I had planned it to include many shades of purplle and silver, and the photo here shows just that! Working from lower left in a clockwise fashion we have silvery lamb's ears (Stachys byzantina), variegated Society Garlic (Tulbaghia violacea), more lamb's ears, orange California poppies, blue pincushion flowers (Scabiosa), Lavendula stoechas "Madrid Purple" (lavender), and in front of that the strappy leaves of Aristea major (about to flower for the first time!), then silvery Plectranthus argentatus, a purple Lantana camera, and finally the Pacific Coast iris (Iris douglasiana) on the bottom right.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Plant profile: Malephora
First described in 1789, the genus Malephora has just 17 species in the genus, and not many books or papers published about it. This genus seems to have suffered a lack of attention, despite one member, M. crocea having been in cultivation for over two centuries.
Latin name: Malephora crassa ("mal-eh-FOR-ah CRASS-ah")
Common name: Bush Orange Ice Plant
Originally from: South Africa
Blooms: The entire plant is covered in masses of bright orange multi-petalled flowers in spring.
Light: Full sun, part shade
Water: Rain is plenty. No summer water!
Where to find in P. Garden: Several clumps grow between the Aloes in the Aloe hedge, alongside the storm drain
We have several types of "ice plant" at Pennsylvania garden, the common name of several different genera. Some are trailing, ground cover types, but Malephora crassa is a more upright, bushy kind, reaching about 18" high and 24" wide. The flowers open around noon for bees, wasps, flies and butterflies to pollinate them.
Subtle it ain't, but if you like saturated colors this tough little plant is available everywhere very cheaply and will bring a dose of xeric planty sunshine to your garden.
Latin name: Malephora crassa ("mal-eh-FOR-ah CRASS-ah")
Common name: Bush Orange Ice Plant
Originally from: South Africa
Blooms: The entire plant is covered in masses of bright orange multi-petalled flowers in spring.
Light: Full sun, part shade
Water: Rain is plenty. No summer water!
Where to find in P. Garden: Several clumps grow between the Aloes in the Aloe hedge, alongside the storm drain
We have several types of "ice plant" at Pennsylvania garden, the common name of several different genera. Some are trailing, ground cover types, but Malephora crassa is a more upright, bushy kind, reaching about 18" high and 24" wide. The flowers open around noon for bees, wasps, flies and butterflies to pollinate them.
Subtle it ain't, but if you like saturated colors this tough little plant is available everywhere very cheaply and will bring a dose of xeric planty sunshine to your garden.
plant profile
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Sunny Sunday
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Watsonia flower |
I removed a bunch of leftover Cannas and weeds, and moved a Gaillardia over to the edge. Then I planted a nice red Coprosma of some unknown variety that I'd been saving at home. I'm going to move our Banksia over there too, and add a Euphorbia and some Aloes and Agaves too. I'll have to wait until the white Watsonias are done flowering though - they're just getting started and won't appreciate being moved right now.
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Scilla flower |
In the middle back bed I weeded and trimmed, and redid the front border using the branches Deric and Kome gave us. Perfect branches for weaving - long, supple and smooth. I wish we could get loads more, but luckily we have a nice pile that'll last a while.
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California poppy "White Linen" |
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Mariposa Center Garden makeover
Emily, Gillian, Elliot and John |
The plan was to thoroughly weed and mulch the Mariposa Center Garden (MCG) opposite Center Hardware, and plant a few extra Dietes along the front.
BJ, Carlin and Riley |
Carlin pruned some low-hanging branches off the cherry plum trees, then she and Elliot and Gillian dug up the aforementioned Dietes from Pennsylvania Garden and transported them down to the MCG for planting.
Matt and the new boards |
Nate relentlessly ferried wheelbarrows of mulch down to the MCG, as well as containers of water for the new plants filled by Dee and Carlin.
Josh weeded all along the storm drain, ably assisted by his dog Cosmo. Leslie weeded the path in front, and then she and Matt installed some pressure-treated boards at the base of the handrail, and covered the path in mulch. At one point a saw was needed and Leslie went and got a cordless circular saw from her home. I was beyond impressed with that!
All in all another fantastic day - loads of work done, great people and fab weather to boot.
Mariposa Center Garden,
Friday, April 1, 2011
Smart Ways to Create a Pee-Resistant Garden
We have a guest post today on dealing with dogs in the garden. Hope you find it useful!
Smart Ways to Create a Pee-Resistant Garden
Plant selection, Garden Design & Other Tricks
There are over seventy seven million dogs in the United States. 37% of American households have at least one. Urban and suburban dwellers alike are constantly searching for solutions to overcome the little inconveniences attached to the joys and companionship that comes with dog ownership.
For us gardeners the battle has multiple fronts: Digging, bark chewing, snacking on poisonous plants and a “pet peeve” of mine dog waste damage due to nitrogen burn.
Until a few months ago I lived in traditional suburban home, postage stamp-sized yard and all. I tried every trick in the book short of giving my mutt away. No matter the strategy my garden always had burn spots, flowers and plants suffering from copious showers of pee, the joyful gift of my Great Dane.
With the help of a few Master Gardener friends and inspired by my move to a larger plot of land with rich landscape I came upon a treasure of information addressing ways to prevent and reduce this problem.
It is important that we understand the root of the problem. Acidity issues do not cause pee burn, instead we are dealing with excess nitrogen. We are basically dealing with over-fertilization and that my friend is good news.
First let’s address a few things that don’t work and are borderline dangerous:
Things that work:
Having moved into a larger plot of land we are now training the dogs to use just one area of our yard. They have responded quite well and I can now claim over 80% of my yard as pet-waste-free areas. Regardless of the size of your yard there are always things you can do to reduce the aesthetic impact of dog ownership and yield superior gardening results.
About the Authors: Mey Brown is an avid gardener with a passion for organic practices. Susan Wright is a Doctor in Veterinary Medicine with over 16 years of experience. They have been featured in hundreds of blogs and write for http://www.dogfencediy.com/.
Smart Ways to Create a Pee-Resistant Garden
Plant selection, Garden Design & Other Tricks
There are over seventy seven million dogs in the United States. 37% of American households have at least one. Urban and suburban dwellers alike are constantly searching for solutions to overcome the little inconveniences attached to the joys and companionship that comes with dog ownership.
For us gardeners the battle has multiple fronts: Digging, bark chewing, snacking on poisonous plants and a “pet peeve” of mine dog waste damage due to nitrogen burn.
Until a few months ago I lived in traditional suburban home, postage stamp-sized yard and all. I tried every trick in the book short of giving my mutt away. No matter the strategy my garden always had burn spots, flowers and plants suffering from copious showers of pee, the joyful gift of my Great Dane.
With the help of a few Master Gardener friends and inspired by my move to a larger plot of land with rich landscape I came upon a treasure of information addressing ways to prevent and reduce this problem.
It is important that we understand the root of the problem. Acidity issues do not cause pee burn, instead we are dealing with excess nitrogen. We are basically dealing with over-fertilization and that my friend is good news.
First let’s address a few things that don’t work and are borderline dangerous:
- Adjusting the dog’s diet. This is a highly negligent approach since it jeopardizes the nutritional well being of our pet and it simply does not work.
- Using store bought solvents. This does not reduce the overall quantity of nitrogen; instead it disperses it. This method does not work, as it would require for us to run behind Fido each and every time it pees.
- Water additives. It is chemically impossible to reduce the nitrogen in urine. Magic dusts added to the dog’s water would not do the trick.
Things that work:
- Utilizing artificial grass litter boxes for doggies. These boxes come with grass scent and small to medium doggies love it.
- Most Agaves will do well when exposed to high nitrogen
- Selecting coastal grasses such as Redgrass, Sawgrass, bentgrass and Long Hair Sedge.
- Bulbous low water plants such as Asclepias tuberosa
- Anecdotally we have heard that Solidago and Agastache do quite well with dog waste exposure.
- Placing perimeter wireless dog fences around beds with prized plants.
Having moved into a larger plot of land we are now training the dogs to use just one area of our yard. They have responded quite well and I can now claim over 80% of my yard as pet-waste-free areas. Regardless of the size of your yard there are always things you can do to reduce the aesthetic impact of dog ownership and yield superior gardening results.
About the Authors: Mey Brown is an avid gardener with a passion for organic practices. Susan Wright is a Doctor in Veterinary Medicine with over 16 years of experience. They have been featured in hundreds of blogs and write for http://www.dogfencediy.com/.
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