Monday, February 6, 2017

A Little Rain and a Big Improvement

Most of the Saturday Crew
Many thanks to everyone who made Saturday's workday a big success!
Jimmer from SF Public Works brought us tools, and Matt cleared the Hakea that fell over in the last storm, and Chris cut it up into manageable pieces before it was used as a "mulch" in the beds. Annie set out to rid the area by the steps of weeds.

Up in the dog area, Debbie, Kathryn, Aditi, John, Victoria and I (Emily) all worked together. We've been clearing out the dog area of weeds for weeks, and today was the last big push to prepare it for the big pile of mulch. Many thanks again to Trees Company for their generous mulch donation!
We couldn't have done it
without your tools Jimmer!
 Our team weeded furiously, even when it briefly poured rain everyone just put their hoods up and kept working and chatting. Good company and a getting a job done was enough to keep us going through the rain, and we were very glad it was a brief rain! After clearing weeds we laid down cardboard (thanks Center Hardware!) and piled the mulch on top.

It isn't often that my birthday falls on the first Saturday of the month, and it was a treat to hang out with everyone and make the garden look even better. Hope to see you all around the garden soon, and please get in touch if you'd like to volunteer during the week by emailing me at

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