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Sunday, March 14, 2021

Weeds are getting the upper hand

Last workday was a week ago, and I'm just now getting around to blogging about it. Busy times! But as usual it was a great day to be outside, sunny and warm, and we got a lot done.

Chris and I tackled weeds at the top of PG, clearing out around the lovely Agaves in the top bed (and Chris got stabbed in the head but hopefully he's gonna make it...)

John turned the compost. Thank goodness for John, otherwise we'd never have any compost. Then he's basically a triple threat in garden terms (he can also move rocks around, so he's a real MVP)

Bill weeded the street side of the bed behind the wrong way sign. The place where the oxalis weed has been running rampant. He pulled out armfuls of it.

And Matt fixed the tool chest after it was broken into - again... :( When will we get tired of that? Stay tuned! At least nobody steals anything from there anymore... because we leave it unlocked.

Today, Matt and I went back and weeded around the recently planted Aloes and Agaves on the lower path. Poor plants - being covered in weeds will rot them out pretty quickly. I hope we uncovered them in time! 

You can see from the before and after photo that the weeds were really crazy. We got that task done right before the rain came on. Phew!

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