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Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The mystery of the lost certificate

We had a lovely warm and sunny volunteer day on Saturday, and  welcomed some super volunteers who worked with gusto. Ahhh - always so satisfying!

Matt and Bill took the truck down to PRG and moved 5 smallish boulders up to PG to build edging around the Agave ovatifolias on the south end of the brights bed. They got smaller rocks we'd left at the top of the garden to place in between the big ones, and it all looks great.

I can't get enough of rock borders right now. So much so in fact that I am considering having some more big baskets of rocks delivered by Half Moon Bay Soil Farm. Watch out for that fun.

Meanwhile, Kunaal, Will and Leanne joined me in weeding the Agave bed behind the wrong way sign, and the front border. Oh boy are those weeds busy growing as fast as they can! We are going to need all hands on deck for weeding next month.

John set about turning the compost, a job which he claims to like. Yes, there is mindless enjoyment to be had in sweaty manual labor. I am glad John finds that task rewarding because I'm pretty sure my arms would disagree.

And the mystery of the lost certificate? Well, when we arrived at the garden we found a Clemson University degree certificate, framed and matted, left on top of the compost bins. Likely it got there thanks to some homeless person, but it was in good shape so I thought I'd see if I could reunite it with its owner.  

Her name is quite unusual, so thanks to some Googling and posting on NextDoor I was able to fire off Facebook, LinkedIn and email messages quite quickly, and a it turns out she now lives in North Carolina.

Happily I was able to mail the framed certificate back to her - and why not. I'm sure she worked hard to get it all those years ago!

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