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Friday, November 8, 2019

BRCs get beautified

Suzanne, Will and Bill
Sarah, Amanda, Josh, Chris, Matt, Gina, Janice, Bill, Will, and Suzanne - these are ten local (and visiting!) heroes who joined me at Pennsylvania Railroad Garden in the gorgeous November sun.

It was a real family affair!  Bill and Suzanne brought their son Will and dove in like experienced gardeners. Gina brought her mum Janice and well - they too know what they're doing! It's geat to see families working side by side like this - especially when they came to sort out our BRCs.

BRCs? Those are the bio-retention cells. Those four parking spot-sized bulb outs that catch storm water in the winter and divert it back to the water table.

The BRCs are full of extremely well-draining dirt which we added, and plants that love that type of lifestyle. So much, in fact, that they have enthusiastically overgrown the BRCs.

Janice and Gina
In case you're looking for planting ideas for your own garden or street park project, the species we used that are total rockstars in this location (full sun, no water except rain, fast draining dirt) are Phlomis fruticosa, Salvia leucantha, Agave weberi "Arizona Star", Agave americana variegata, Santolina chamaecyparissus, Cortaderia "Silver Comet" and Calandrinia spectabilis.

And yes, each of those names are links to a Plant Profile I've written about each species so you know how to grow them. Read more Plant Profiles here.

The BRCs got completely weeded, cut back and trash picked in just two hours - thank you for making a big difference team! Your work is noticed and appreciated by everyone in the neighborhood!

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