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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The tree aloe madness continues

loidendron barberae
Matt and I got around to planting another tree aloe last weekend. This time we got a big 15 gallon Aloidendron barberae (formerly known as Aloe barberae or Aloe bainesii before it got reclassified recently) into the ground in the left bed, near the entrance to the garden.

This aloe will grow to be a serious tree - with branches, up to 60 feet high and 36 inches in stem diameter. Eventually. I'm just hoping to keep it alive until it gets established, and will do my best to stop the cardoon from flattening it...

Aloe ferox
I also noticed that our Aloe ferox is starting to flower and has an actual trunk under there. Yup, it's also 10 years old (happy birthday!) and looking really good. One of my favorite plants in the garden.

We watered the new plants in and did some weeding, and called it a day. 

Don't forget to come to the volunteer day on Saturday!

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