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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Special Ops Workday

Mary and Janet keeping the
Triangle Garden looking good
Today Anna organized a workday at the Triangle Garden, which was attended by me (Emily) and Mary and Janet. Anna also brought a bevy of great tools, like a saw on a pole with a pruner attachment! I had never used one of these before, but as the trees needed cutting back it really came in handy.

We set about clearing all of the grass and assorted weeds from the eastern end of the triangle, and discovered that some areas were bone dry and others quite damp. These are good things to observe in a garden, as it helps inform where to put what plant. The Triangle Garden has a few bare spots so we discussed how to put this information to good use and bounced around plant ideas.

Workday organizer Anna
After weeding and then cutting back the trees, our work party dispersed. I walked over to PG to trim up the path to the dog area, with the goal of making it more accessible. Many lovely neighbors came by and said hello, and I realized our dog area really looks like an overgrown brush pile. It sort of is right now! So everyone, please excuse our mess. However, I have been working on getting a debris box in June so we can have a big cleanup day where we weed like crazy and load up all the extra branches into the debris box. So stay tuned for the announcement of that workday, if you like pruning and wheelbarrowing that day is for you!

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