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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Garden Miracle and Other News

Team silver!
First off, a big thank you to whomever removed the huge pile of debris from the dog area at PG and the branches from the Triangle Garden. It was quite the 'garden miracle' when I went today to water and found all the debris had disappeared. I'm suspecting it was DPW, but if you happened to see a work crew there today, and remember who it was, please email me Emily@psgsf.org so I can personally thank them.  With that pile of debris already gone we'll be able to get even more pruning and weeding accomplished at our next workday on June 7th (10am-noon; you're invited!) so I am very excited.

In other news on Monday Nathan and Ryan took a serious look at the runnels in our DG pathway with the goal of figuring out how to put in some additional drainage controls, ok actually add drainage controls, to be fair. To summarize, I'm going to need to find a landscape architect or similar to advise so that whatever we do next to spiffy up the path is a guaranteed fix and not a 'maybe'. I ran into an architect with her lovely dog Buster today at the garden, so you never know who will lend a hand on the project.

Eventually our Kniphofia northiae
will look like this
In other, other news, Annie's Annuals was having a sale over the weekend that I could not resist. The back bed in the dog area was fairly wild, and a nice variety of plants were available that should do well there, so I diagrammed it out and
then set about to putting them in. After removing a ton of weeds from the area and finding a few very toasty plants that were not rooted underneath all the weeds (oops!) the area was cleared and ready to put these lovelies in:

Eriogonum grande rubescens "Red Buckwheat"
One representative already in place and doing well despite total neglect, so I decided to add more

Kniphofia northiae
Really gorgeous (photo credit Annie's Annuals).

Glaucium flavum "Yellow Horned Poppy"
Orange version is just around the corner in the brights bed and flowers like crazy almost year-round.

Marrubium supinum
Silvery, soft and with purple flowers. A good low growing option for the dry shade that is towards the back of this bed.

Sideritis cypria
Also a silvery and soft with a similar habit as Marrubium but can handle the sun in the front of the bed. I can't wait to see the green flowers on this Canary Island native.

With everything in the ground I watered the area in thoroughly and have my fingers crossed that no dogs will go crashing back there until things get established. Garden miracles can happen!

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