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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Good timing on that rain...

Well we're getting a little rain at last! Hurrah - and just a day after the volunteer day so the timing is just right.

However, we're still in a major drought so we're switching off the water and the plants are actually looking good despite it all.

Matt and Jackie met up yesterday and sorted out a few problem areas in the garden. Jackie pruned back some Salvia leucanthas - perfect timing, as they'll be sprouting new growth soon.

Matt pruned the Aster "Bill's Big Blue" and also the Salvia elegans (Pineapple Sage)

After that he cut back the Melianthus major (honey flower) which was looking much too scraggly, and planted some Bulbinellas at the base to tidy up the area at the bottom of the steps.

Anna and Janet were over at the Triangle Garden clearing out trash and tidying up the Buddlejas and so on. All in all the gardens are looking petty darn good right now considering!

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