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Sunday, February 16, 2014

A year of green at PRG

Now the street is a
great place to visit
It's time to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of greening PRG! It was a year ago that we came together over a few weeks as a community to plant the newly engineered landscape of the park. We planted out hundreds of beautiful plants shipped in and carefully stored at Regent's Cab (thank you!), with the help of SF Scrap metal (thank you!) and dozens of volunteers (you're the best!). All planted according to Annie's wonderful designs (amazing!)

Lovely winter color
 brightens PRG
The recent rain has really helped these plants thrive - so many are looking bushy and happy, like the Dendromecon putting on a great show of bright yellow winter flowers, and the rosemary with a bit of Bougainvillea peaking through.

It's been awhile since I've been able to thoroughly walk both gardens; recently I've been away from San Francisco taking care of a critically ill family member. Being able to come back and walk through the gardens, remembering all the great time I've spent here, the wonderful people I've worked with making these places beautiful, has been a great joy.

I hope the gardens are here for you too when you need them, sometimes a place just to take your dog out for a potty break, but also for finding your emotional strength when you need it. So get out for a walk today and enjoy the 1-year anniversary of greening PRG!

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