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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Ever expanding universe... of weeds!

Paulina carefully weeds
As usual the first Saturday of the month was our volunteer workday and a great group of neighbors came out to work together in the drizzle. Matt and Annie got started early and setup the water for Pennsylvania Railroad Garden. Unfortunately Annie had to leave to meet her horse's vet, but Matt was able to stay and was joined by Paulina, Anna, Nate and Paloma. We gathered up our supplies and walked across the Mariposa off-ramp to the 'triangle' garden that was previously created and maintained by the Potrero Hill Garden Club. Annie wrote about this in a previous post  and now the garden is officially part of Pennsylvania Street Gardens.

Nate and Paloma amongst a
newly weeded patch of color
The triangle garden is a lovely mix of many of the same plants we have at Pennsylvania Garden, including Calandrinia spectabilis, Yarrow millefolium and Buddleja (also known as butterfly bush). Also like Pennsylvania Garden, and now the newly created Pennsylvania Railroad Garden, it also has un-desireable population of of weeds like Malva neglecta and simply common grass that has escaped from a nearby lawn. Today our task was to get rid of those weeds, and how! We all worked diligently to remove the roots, and carefully picked through day lilies to extract the grasses lurking among the leaves.
Matt getting rid of some tricky weeds
at Pennsylvania Garden

A steady supply of weeds was carried back over to the compost bins at Pennsylvania Garden and layered alternatively with straw to hopefully ensure quicker composting. More weeding was done by Matt and Nate at Pennsylvania Garden as the workday finished up at noon and we all said good-bye and went about the rest of our day. Job well done everyone!

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