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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Two of a Good Thing: Plant Sale and Workday

Anushka and family
It was a very busy morning around the garden today! We had our usual first of the month volunteer workdays (always the first Saturday from 10am-12) and hosted a plant sale. Annie and Matt have been propagating quite a few plants on the back slope, and with Pennsylvania Railroad Garden finally in the ground, it was time to clear out the now 'extra' plants that had been propagated. They arrived early to get the plant sale underway, and I went to hook up the water for the trees at Pennsylvania Railroad Garden.

Carlin, Paloma, Jackie and Bob (?)
Initially I divided the volunteers up into groups, each tackling weeds in a different section of the garden. Anushka and her family weeded the dog area; and the back and front border was weeded by Carlin, Paloma, Laurel, BenPatrick, Nate, Connie, Jackie and one of our nicest volunteers who I think is named Bob! Each time I ran back from helping with the plant sale there was another big heap of weeds to be added to the compost pile. Later on Patrick swept the walkways, Jackie pruned back a Salvia leucantha in the left bed, and Laurel and Ben took on the monumental task of turning the compost. Everyone did a great job and a ton of work was done.
One section ready to go!

More and more new friendly faces and neighbors came to plant sale throughout the morning, and it was a big success. It was great to see so many people out enjoying the garden before they went back to plant out their own backyard gardens! Many thanks to everyone who came to help out, the garden is now looking even better.

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