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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Plants for sale!

We have a number of left over plants prepped for the Pennsylvania Railroad Garden project that need to go to new homes. I swore I'd never do a plant sale again due to the months of work, so this one is off the cuff: come on down and see what we have!

I've made a list and posted them on Craigslist; we're inviting folks down to the garden on Saturday March 2nd from 9.30am to noon to pick up what they want.  This is also a volunteer day so if you're coming and can help in the garden we can hook you up with freebies at the end of the workday.

Here's what we have to sell - very cheaply I might add! All proceeds to the garden, of course :)

Salvia "Anthony Parker" 5g x 3, 1g x 8
Echium "Pride of Madeira" 1g x 13
Euphorbia lambii 1g x 3, 2-5g x 9
Euphorbia characias 1g x 18
Calandrinia spectabilis 1g x 10
Aloe maculata 1g x 13
Aloe glauca 1g x 11
Aloe vera 1g x 8
Nassella tenuissima 1g x 14
Agave americana - lots of sizes!
Agave parryi - lots of sizes!
Aptenia cordifolia - 5 large flats
A lot of smaller potted, bare root or recently potted pups of other Agaves (A. filifera, A. atenuata, A. tequiliana "Sunrise", A. desmettiana, A. scabra I think - I'll have to look)
Aeonium - we have tons - some in pots but we can also sell cuttings (A. nobile, A. canariense, A. arborescens/rubrescens/Zwartkop, A. haworthii, and a few others (leucoblepharum? percarneum?)
Aloe striatula, Aloe congolensis, Aloe arborescens, Aloe nobilis, Aloe brevifolia - cuttings or pups.

1 gallon pots are $4, 2-5 gallon pots are $8, flats are $6 and cuttings/pups are $1-4 depending on species. 

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