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Friday, November 9, 2012

So much lovely

Flower ladies: Kimiko & Mary
First off, the fundraiser last night with Mariquita Farms was a great success! We sold all of the bouquets and received so much goodwill from the neighborhood. Lots of thank-you's, smiles, and even extra donations. It was great talking with everyone, and I hope to see you all at the garden sometime soon too.

Our display; half sold!
Carol, a big supporter of the garden!
Mary, Kimiko and I arranged all of the flowers in my kitchen. We were able to make two different arrangements, one more of a 'Fall' theme with sunflowers, solidago, rose hips, mums and so on. The second arrangement was a rich assortment of blue-greens (honeywort, hydrangea), deep pinks (carnations), and soft purples (mums). Both were lovely, great job Mary and Kimiko!

Next, we rushed off to Piccino to setup. Gary and Annelle donated a card table for us to use (thank you!) and as the customers came to pickup their veggie boxes from Mariquita Farms, they stopped to pickup a bouquet too.

Nate came by as well to help work the table, and we were sold out before the event was over, with Mattie, a volunteer from last Saturday, stopping by to purchase the last bouquet! It was a wonderful evening, and we are so grateful for everyones support!

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