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Friday, November 9, 2012

Expanded Edition of Intern Fridays

Diane, Stephanie, Ryan,
Brittany and Shelby!
What a full workday on Friday! The task of the day was to clear out the dog area of weeds and lay down something that would act to suppress weeds - in this case, a very large piece of free jute carpet. Did I mention free?

Our regular interns were there, Shelby and Brittany and Brittany's beau Ryan was also there to help. At the last work day Diane and Stephanie had said they wanted to come back as well, so I invited them too. So, this expanded edition of 'interns' was set to clear out weeds, and they did a fantastic job. The mulch we laid down last Fall has composted significantly more than I expected, so I've made a note to get extra mulch delivered when we mulch the new street park. All in all, looking much better up in the dog area. Go team intern!

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