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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Volunteer Workday

When you visit the dog area this week, be sure to give it a good look - I hope you'll notice that it is now almost 100% free of weeds! Jon, Sara, Jean, Jo, Carl and myself spent the better part of the workday moving like a wave of weeding fury across the dog area. The photos definitely tell the tale. While we were weeding, Carlin did some deadheading around the garden, keeping things looking nice and clean, before she headed off to Progress Park for their workday. What energy!
Jon watered, giving the Cordlyines by the arch a good drink along with new Phormiums Annie and Co. put in on Wednesday.
Ron has also been busy with the terracing project, and I've included an in progress photo to show how it's going, and also as a reminder NOT to go back there right now as it is under construction. We'll definitely let you know when it is ready!

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