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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day of the Triffids

Yesterday I thought I'd go out and do some minor twiddling in the garden as my parents are here on a visit so not much time for serious gardening. First up I met with Ron and his dog Cassius. Ron is terracing the back slope - it's coming along!

I deadheaded the rest of the yarrows by the steps and also the Aloe nobilis hedge. As I went down the hedge I weeded the cactus wall too. The cactus wall always looks good - it's my favorite part of the garden. So xeric, so cool...

I met a woman sitting on the bench called Linda. I idly inquired whether she had a garden and she went on to reveal that not only does she have a garden, it's a San Francisco Street Park. And not only that, but it was partly inspired by Pennsylvania Garden! I was feeling so proud. Then my parents walked up and she eventually let them know that she helped write the book my dad was carrying - The Trees of San Francisco

And not only that but she is on the advisory committee of the Friends of the Urban Forest. I thought "wow - good job I didn't offer her some pearls of gardening wisdom!"

Later on Matt and I went to pick up some phormiums from Leah. She said they were big but that was an understatement. We couldn't fit them all in the back of the car and had to leave some. We slowly drove home with the leaves hanging out the back of the car, and thought "oh dear... now we have to plant them..."

I decided we really had excess and sent out an email to potentially interested parties. Bruce responded with lightning speed and we dropped off a portion of the phormiums with him right away. Phew!

Then Matt and I went to plant the rest. We'd decided on a good spot in the middle back bed only to discover a nest of yellow jackets next to it - don't want to get stung. We picked another spot in the brights bed, dug a good hole and started getting the phormium up there. First in the wheelbarrow. Then it fell out. Couldn't get it back in. Dragged it with ropes. It was too heavy. Cursed. Eventually got Gary to come help and had it in the hole in no time!

Job done. Time for a glass of wine!

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