Welcome to PSG

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

You Read the Blog, but do you know....

You may read the blog, but do you know:
a) we have a mailing list - you should join it to get updates about events at the garden (think of what you're missing!)
b) volunteer workdays are the first Saturday of every month from 10am-12pm. There is one this Saturday April 2nd (yes, it's April already!) volunteer here
c) it's officially Spring and the garden is already putting on quite a show (check out that photo - Anemone coronaria)

In other garden news I weeded for awhile yesterday after work and a bunch of lovely neighbors stopped by to say hello. I was asked for name of the Kool-Aid bush and blanked on it, but Annie knew it (of
course) when I asked her: Psoralea pinnata.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the workday this Saturday!

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