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Monday, August 23, 2010

Operation: rescue

Yesterday afternoon I went back to the garden after calming down... Matt had been hard at work there propagating plants and I wanted to do something productive so I'd have something good to look back on on Monday morning.

And... I found the Yucca "Garland's Gold"! It had been thrown in the back border, taproot broken in half. I'm not sure it'll survive, but I took it home to see if it can make it.

I weeded the steps and lower pathway and some of the middle back bed, and back slope. I also moved about a dozen plants for the sale to better spots. We have a bunch of plants for the sale back there and need to set up a watering schedule so they look their best for the sale.

Emily was also in the garden, repairing the damage done to her poor newly-potted sweet peas. She repotted some, added new seeds, and set up some Rudbeckias and Cosmos for the sale, among other things.

Lastly, as we were leaving, Kepa was walking up with a friend to check out the garden. She offered her greenhouse to our seedling again - thanks Kepa!

Pic above shows the Brugmansia looking lovely, among other things.


  1. Is that Angels' Trumpets? It's huge. That scene looks lush and colourful, pretty good for the end of August!

  2. Yes! It's been getting a little extra water andsome compost, and has rewarded us ;)


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