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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fried plants

The last couple of days in San Francisco have been HOT - Juana said it was 101 degrees near the garden yesterday! I met Katie there at lunchtime to talk about plants for the Indiana Street Garden and we just about died. Frequent rests on the shady bench are key. If only there was an iced tea dispenser there...

Yesterday Emily watered the sale plants, and Arum watered the Mariposa Center Garden. On my morning walk today I admired their efforts: the latter spot was lovely and damp, and the former all looking perky. I saw a clump of Achillea wilting in the front border though, and nipped over at lunchtime to water it. Then I sort of got on a roll and watered a few other things. I also asked the young guy smoking on the bench to please take his butts with him - he was pretty reasonable about it.

We're watering the sale plants three times per week now to get them looking fab for the sale on October 16th. I think people are going to love what we have for sale this time!

Photos show a gorgeous burgundy Cosmos flowering in the left bed, and our lovely Agastache "Apricot Sprite" near the bench.

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