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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Panic planting

This evening I stopped by Home Despot for what is fast becoming a tradition: panic plant buying before the garden tour (got your tickets yet? Click here to find out how!)

In my defense, the area that Arum had cleared of mint last weekend was looking pitifully bare. But naturally Home Despot has some cheap this'n'that and I picked up 3 bluish-purple pincushion flowers (Scabiosa) and 3 yellow perennial wallflowers (Erysimum) to match the color theme and fill the gaps.

As usual I got to the garden and realized I got the wrong stuff: I should have got more yellow and less purple items. Oh well. I put them in, and moved over three Agapanthus "Tinkerbell" (Dwarf Variegated Agapanthus) that were moping in the front bed under some mean old Gaillardias. I also slid over a clump of lamb's ears (Stachys byzantina) and some Pacific Coast iris (Iris douglasiana) to complete the look. I doubt it will be thick and lush by the tour, but at least it won't look pathetic and bare! Pic shows end result - poor old Princess Plant (Tibouchina) is still looking a bit shellshocked but she's bouncing back fast, and the bush daisy (Euryops) should come to the rescue to hide her naked trunk soon.

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