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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

P is for Protecting Plants at Pennsylvania Garden

Why is P for Protecting Plants at Pennsylvania Garden?

1. Red Ranunculus were ripped out of the red bed last week
2. A red Glaucium (Iranian Poppy) was ripped out of the red bed by the bench last week
3. Yellow Aquilegia (Columbine) and Yellow Ranunculus were ripped out of the left bed

Now, I know a reader of this blog didn't do it - you are all wonderful people, and excellent gardeners who know that ripping out plant in full flower is about the worst way to transplant anything. I bring up P is for Protecting Plants at Pennsylvania Garden because I am asking you to keep an eye open when you're at the garden. If you see anyone rumaging around among the plants, stop and say hello. Just make your presence known with a 'good morning' or whatever salutation you wish. 99% of the time you will be saying Hi to Annie or me. That other 1% of the time you will be preventing some dastardly person from stealing plants.

On to better news....... Right now at the garden we have four different varieties of Dahlia that are between 1" and 1' in height. By the time they start flowering they should be between 3-4' tall and 2' wide - and absolutely covered in gigantic draw dropping flowers, sometime in July. I'm stoked.
I watered them today to help ensure the awesomeness. I'll fertilize them next week.

In other news, the Peruvian Daffodil is flowering in the left bed by the cactus path and the Lathyrus (Sweet Pea) 'Berry Dare' has just started flowering on the trellis by the bench. In a few weeks I expect to fall down the stairs as I oogle the sweet pea flowers, so be warned if you find me in a heap at the bottom.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more Emily - it's so heartbreaking to lose plants this way :(


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