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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Garden tour - done!

I have just spent from 9am to 3.30pm in the garden without a bathroom or lunch break. Ack!

Having said that there was a constant stream of visitors asking questions and enjoying the garden, and I gave as many people as possible a freebie 4" plant and asked them to sign up for the email list.

I also manged to water the entire place, and weeded out that darn nasty weed from the red bed with a good deal of success. Almost nonstop weeding in between chats with tour participants.

Anyway, I'm EXHAUSTED.

 Pic above shows Arctotis and Gazanias looking cheerful, earlier.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! For the next few days you can relax, a little, I hope!
    We are Open on Saturday and frantically arranging pots to hide Bad Things.


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