Welcome to PSG

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Tonight I went to the Potrero Boosters installation dinner. I felt like it was time to step up and show my face among the neighbors, and there were a lot of friendly faces welcoming Matt and I!

We enjoyed a delicious dinner, applauded the new president (Audrey!), the old one (Tony!)  and committee, and had a good laugh talking to people. Next up came their awards for local folks who've made a difference to the community. Well, you could have knocked me other with a feather - I won "The Green Colored Glasses Award"! Underneath it says "For her creativity in seeing public gardens on Potrero Hill that no one else sees, and her tenacity in making those gardens real."

Aww - shucks! *blush*

Of course you know I didn't do it all alone: if I'd had the mic for a minute I could have given a shout out to all my gardening friends. You know who you are - all you people with your names in bold type on the blog! Thanks. :)

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