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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

San Francisco Botanical Garden needs help

I got this email today and signed the petition - 'nuff said:

I am writing you today to ask for your help. The fiscal crisis that our nation and city faces is hitting every agency and the Botanical Garden faces damaging cuts. If we don’t do something to increase our revenue, the city will be forced to layoff critical employees and the Garden itself will begin to deteriorate. San Francisco would lose the unique urban oasis that the Garden provides, as much of this beautiful space could be destroyed and invaluable collections would be lost.

The SFBGS has done all that it can do to continue its 55-year record of supporting the Garden in this economy. Recreation and Park made the only proposal which will protect the Garden: $7 per person non-resident fee. While most botanical gardens charge a general entrance fee, ours would only be for non-residents. All San Francisco residents, SFBGS members, and school groups would still enter the Garden free of charge everyday all day. We are also able to institute graduated prices for out-of-town seniors and children, and provide designated “free days” for all attendees.

Virtually all botanical gardens in the United States charge admission fees that are often much higher than this and usually apply to all visitors. Even other institutions in Golden Gate Park, such as the Japanese Tea Garden, charge a fee to all visitors. This proposal would bring in enough money to stave off job and service cuts, with the least impact on its visitors. Without it, we will certainly face severe cuts, endangering the collection of rare plants and depriving community residents of a tranquil place to visit.

I sincerely hope that we can count on your support for this critical proposal. The Recreation and Park Commission is moving ahead on the proposal and will hold a crucial meeting on March 4th at 4 pm at City Hall to make a final decision. In order to save the Botanical Garden, I need you to do two things:

1. Go to our webpage by clicking here to sign our petition asking the Commission to save the Botanical Garden.

2. Attend the meeting on March 4th at 4 pm at City Hall to show your support.

As a supporter of the Garden, we need your help. It will only take a small amount of effort on your part but it will have a big impact on saving the Garden we all love so much.

Most Sincerely,

Michael McKechnie

Executive Director


  1. This is a lie!
    Help us Save the Arboretum from a $7 entrance fee. It has been free for 90 years! Join our group:http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=355215693083

    Michael is a liar! Our tax dollars pay for this garden, not his society! Don't beleive this!!!!

  2. Ru-roh. We have a conflict. Well I have tried to find out how the SFBG will be paid for since city funds from taxpayers are in the tank and can't see a way. If anyone knows, feel free to comment here!


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