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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bring on the daffs...

Today I also went to the garden about 8.30am and dug up loads of Cannas for Robyn of FARM fame. I also gave her some more pineapple mint - I hope it's not at naughty for her as it is for me. Darn stuff is everywhere. Had a nice chat with Dorothy and Bella, and John and Owa (sp?) then ran off to work.

The daffodils (Narcissus) are starting to flower at P. Garden, and if last year is anything to go by they should be flowering until April or May. Time to go check them out! Here's what we have in bloom today, from top to bottom:

"Mount Hood"
"Flower Record"
"Ice Follies"
"Dutch Master"

If you happen to be there and see a spent flower that's close to the path, feel free to "deadhead" the daffodils by nipping off the dead flower. This prevents the daffs from wasting energy making seeds. Energy I'd rather they spent making more flowers for us to enjoy!


  1. I'm green with envy!! I'm pretty sure we planted around the same time and mine are still under the snow. Yours are beautiful, love the contrasting trumpets. :)

  2. Thanks Rebecca! I always wonder if they're going to come up... and then suddenly there they are! Then I complain that they're mostly plain yellow... and the rest show up later!


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