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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Get your tickets here!

OK, the Garden Tour is on Sept 13th and I have just received 10 tickets in the mail to sell. Here are the details. Don’t miss this opportunity to have a good nosey around some beautiful private gardens on the hill! Proceeds go to the Potrero Hill Library, which is a very worthwhile cause.

Last night I moved some rocks around, wove twigs near the trellis, and met neighbors-from-across-the-street Lee (downstairs – he’s giving me a worm compost bin! Woot!) and Miley (upstairs, with her dog Ruby.) Actually, as I was working there was an almost constant stream of people walking through the garden.... not something you would have seen a year ago, as the place was pretty nasty and there was no real reason to cross the street!

I’ve got 3 more weekend days to finish things up in time for the tour… Will the mulch mountain ever disappear? Can I suppress enough weeds in time so as not to be terminally embarrassed? Can I sort out my pots and tools area so it looks less messy? What about the Agaves and cacti languishing in the back? Can the Gazanias in the front grow fast enough to look good in time, or be swallowed up by evil Nasturtiums? Will the big Aster blow it and finish blooming before the tour? Stay tuned… and don’t forget to come to the volunteer day this Saturday from 11am-1pm to help get the garden looking good!

Pics lat left show the succulent slope and cactus wall's new, spiky additions.

Evening update: I went out and moved 4 wheelbarrows of mulch, weeded, swept the steps and chatted with a constant stream of visitors to the garden tonight: Gary & AnnellePaul, Jim, and visitors from far distant Dogpatch Gene & Heather who came to see the garden after hearing of it in the Potrero View!

The first Aster has bloomed by the steps. It is pink. Hmmm....

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