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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Less scorching

20 degrees colder today - perfect gardening weather! I managed to get out there at about 8am and had to leave at 10.30 to go to the Potrero Hill Garden Club brunch, cruelly leaving Josh planting cacti. I came back later and he had picked up all the weeds and trimmings I'd left in the paths too - thanks Josh!

The afternoon session was about 3 hours total. In all, we planted about 30 cactus cuttings of various columnar types, several Aeoniums, an Opuntia with very long pads, and I deadheaded the Cannas, as well as managing to arrange all my tools in the locked shed, getting them out of the compost heap or strewn in the back of my car where they have been for months. Then I watered the cactus wall and the baby Arctotis, and sloped off home.

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