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Saturday, March 7, 2009

San Francisco Botanical Garden - land o'temptation

The SFBG has a monthly plant sale, and it was there that I got my first load of plants, waaaay back in December '08... I'd missed recent sales but was determined to go today, and also determined not to spend loads of money.

The place was mobbed and I didn't see anything I had to have, so I was feeling like I might leave, but remembered I wanted a Grevillea and asked a volunteer. Too bad, so sad - they had two, that were already sold. But wait - here's Mark who knows all about them, maybe he can tell you if we have more.

Mark remembered me from December, when he sold me an aeonium. He showed me a few plants then said "follow me" and we went back to the private nursery area. The mother lode! I left with 5 plants from Australia:
Grevillea rosmarinifolia
Banksia spinulosa
Grevillea synapheae
Berberis linearifolia
Psoralea pinnata (Scurfy Pea Shrub - sounds... great...)

And of course I had to join the SFBG - you get a free plant and 10% off your purchases.

Got back to the garden and couldn't decide where to plant them, so instead I planted up the new front bed with the following:

2 Lavenders
6 Agapanthus (moved from adjacent bed)
12 Artemisias
9 orange daisies from Matt's dad.

We have a couple dozen more orange daisies - not sure what they are but they look great. I also put 5 variegated agave pups around the place, and got some props from a guy called Kenny who lives around the corner and likes what's happening. Yay!

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