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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Full sun

Hot and sunny today. I popped round to Starbucks and picked up my first weekly load of coffee grounds: if nothing else they smell great! Then, while drinking a coffee, I enjoyed the newly opened daffodils. I'd ordered mixed bulbs - supposedly they are all different colors. However, so far, only plain yellow... hm...

Next up, the usual plant triage - get things in the ground that have been waiting probably too long. Today this included:

Grevillea rosmarinifolia (top bed)
Banksia spinulosa (left side bed)
Grevillea synapheae (between Moby Dick and the variegated Echium)
Berberis linearifolia (top bed)
Psoralea pinnata (up by the bench area - it smells good)
3 dozen yellow Corn Marigolds (Chrysanthemum segetum) (in all the edge borders)
I also moved some California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica) and Nasturtium seedlings around to fill in spots in the new front edge border, moved the Trachelospermum jasminoides (star jasmine) to the trellis, and a Heuchera to sit with the other specimens in the shade.

While this was happening, Jess and Sophia came by and chatted - always fun. Sophia says whole sentences now and some of them make sense. Mindboggling.

I was also visited by Jessica from Caltrans. Now, this visit had been making me a leetle bit edgy as I thought she might want me to get rid of some plants / trellisses / steps / trashcans / the whole damn thing.... eeek! But no: she was soooo nice, and very enthusiastic about the garden! Pretty much every concern I had was erased, and not only that but she brought me a whole flat of yarrow plants, 2 bags of nasturtium seeds and a bag of sunflower seeds. Yeah! Thanks Jessica!

Then along came today's winning team from the 1860's baseball reenactment league, the Pacifics! OK, basically that means Matt, Sage, Barbara and Dan. All covered in mud and drinking Miller Lite. So, enough gardening! Off to the barn.

While I was toodling around on the horse, Leah came by and went to town. She pruned the loquat, picked up cigarette butts and needles (gag!) and left me all sorts of plants too. I'm so sorry to have missed her - how often do you get someone dropping by to clean up biohazards for you?! Anyway, I can't wait to see the results of her work in daylight. Thanks Leah.


  1. Can't wait to see the plantings. Counting down the tags, I see there are 103 different plants in there, not counting dogs.

  2. yes - though I suppose if being Strictly Correct it's 103 different genera, with probably 150 species and about 500 individual plants! (casting poppy seed around boosts the numbers for sure)

    I should make a garden map that catalogs the name and location of each plant. I could do an iPhone app for it - or a podcast!

  3. hey Annie, I was thinking of offering to make a map! I do illustrations and I make signs... it would be cool to have a nice big map for visitors to see what's going on out there. we could even make it possibly to update and change it, so we can show what's coming next and update the map when it's planted...

    Denise - hundreds of thousands a t g m a i l

  4. Sweet! I should send you my overview diagram - let's discuss! :D


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