Tuesday, January 30, 2018

More homeless issues...

In November we had a homeless encampment spring up in the back of the garden.  Since it was uninhabited the day I was there, I took it down.

At our last volunteer day, another encampment showed up - bigger than before. Will a lot of trash etc.

I called 311 and within hours someone came by to take a look. However, this is apparently not a DPW problem, as PG is on Caltrans land...

So, if you want to help sort this out, please follow these steps.
  1. First post a CSR here https://csr.dot.ca.gov/ . You will receive a CSR number by email, automatically
  2. Call Caltrans rep Dennis at (510) 286-6438 and tell him the CSR number 
  3. Within 7-10 days they remove the encampment.
  4. It will return! However, when you repeat the above process 3 times, the state posts the area meaning there's more protection.
For encampments at PRG, down the block, here's what to do:
  1. Call 311 or use the 311 app (https://sf311.org/mobile ) to report the issue of an encampment at PG or PRG. I’ve already done this, but it’s not about me calling 10 times – a faster response comes from 10 people calling once each, according to the city.
  2. Call 911 if you feel threatened at all.
  3. Call Animal Care & Control at (415) 554-6364 if you see an animal in an encampment that is suffering, or behaving aggressively. 

Free trees, update!

FUF is EXTENDING the FINAL DEADLINE for your neighbors to January 31st. The FINAL DEADLINE to receive requests for your neighborhood is JANUARY 31, 2018. Forms are available online: www.fuf.net/freetrees or www.fuf.net/potrerohill

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Who wants a FREE TREE?!

Our pals at Friends of the Urban Forest let us know that the good people of Potrero Hill haven't taken advantage of an amazing offer they have going on: FREE TREES! I don't know guys - I'd jump on this if I had room!

This just in from Jasmine:

The requests for trees in your neighborhood (Potrero Hill) is low. We are looking for more neighbors to plant trees with us! We have been leaving notes with neighbors and apartment buildings with large sidewalks. We hope that you can meet or talk to some of your neighbors about requesting trees, or reaching out to their landlords.

The FINAL DEADLINE to receive requests for your neighborhood is JANUARY 24, 2018. Forms are available online: www.fuf.net/freetrees or www.fuf.net/potrerohill

What you can do to help is:
1. Forward this email to a Potrero Hill list or club you may know
2. Share information about the deadline on NextDoor.com
3. Talk to your neighbors

The City is responsible for STREET TREE MAINTENANCE: fuf.net/newpolicy

Please let me know if you are interested in helping or advocating for a certain block. Thank you!

Jasmine Lim
Community Outreach Manager
Friends of the Urban Forest

So, jump on it - make our Hill an even nicer place to be :)

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Happy 2018!

Aditi is always smiling :)
Fun workday today! The sun was out after some rain, so the weeds were ready to go nuts. Matt and I met Hilary, Chris and Aditi at PG and noticed a couple things. Things that didn't make me very happy at all...

First of all, someone had hacked at the beautiful Agave weberi on the front border, taking off about 1/5th of the leaves on one side. The plant probably won't look good again for 5 or 6 years, if that. This really upsets me, as it was a gorgeous plant... if you see someone destroying plants in the garden please call 911.

We also noticed that the homeless encampment down in the back of the garden has returned - and it's twice as big. I took a quick photo an posted it to the 311 app right away, very worried about what to do as these camps can get out of control fast, and the mess is already horrific..

Chris whacks a Lavatera
We headed down to PRG to start clearing the pathway, which has become very overgrown. Everyone got started picking up trash (oh, there was a LOT... including 20 needles I picked up, and a huge number of dog poos in bags, or loose...) and also cutting back plants along the pathway.

The plan is to get some bids from garden maintenance companies to come down and replace some of the decomposed granite that's washed away over time, making the path more level again. We'll do that after the rainy season, but getting the paths cleared now is a step in the right direction.

Hilary hard at work
We pruned back some trees, cut the Lavateras that were spreading on to the path, as well as the Santolinas, Calandrinias and other overflowing plants.

A huge number of fennel plants and other weeds got whacked too, and a giant pile of trash accumulated. About halfway through the day I saw a DPW truck going down the street, and managed to catch up with it to ask if they were there to clean out the encampment.

Matt can dig it!
The driver, Ina, was very friendly and came back up the street to look at the encampment. She said it might not be a DPW job to complete the work, but promised to return the next day with a crew to do just that. Thanks Ina! That's a huge weight off my mind. She even came back at 1pm and started picking up the big pile of trash we accumulated during the workday - great news.

All in all, a very productive day, despite the unpromising start!
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