Monday, March 20, 2017

Leadership Public Schools Digs In

Many thanks to Shyanna, who brought her class all the way from Hayward, where they attend Leadership Public School, to volunteer with us in San Francisco!

A group of nearly 20 high school students descended on the garden, and after getting a brief tour and introduction to the day's work, they really did dig in. The dog area was the initial focus for the group, and once everyone was settled in I started special projects teams in different areas of the garden that weeded or pruned things into shape.

We also took a small group over to the triangle garden, and did our best to clear out the grass that has quickly taken over the area. We didn't have enough time to finish the job, but the students were hard working and we made a big dent in the weeds.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Rain showers means weeds

Agave gypsophylla flower
Last weekend's volunteer workday was light on volunteers (me, Matt and Chris) but we eradicated tons of weeds. Pennsylvania Garden is looking great thanks to regular weeding sessions almost every week recently, but Pennsylvania Railroad garden down the street is a weedy mess.

Chris worked away in the left bed while I got into the midst of the top bed and many weeds met their fate.

Agave salmiana (?) flower
Matt set to work removing weeds from the rain garden at the bottom and 6-7 giant tubtrugs of weeds were whisked away, as well as lots of trash. But there's SO much more... I think it might be time for a weekend weedathon!

A couple of Agaves are flowering right now - check them out. They will flower for about 6-12 months, then die. Exciting, but also sad!
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