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Thursday, November 3, 2022

Volunteer days - October and November

Just like that October is over! And we have a volunteer day at the garden this weekend, but I still haven't blogged the last volunteer day.

Well, what happened? We went down to PRG and weeded a lot - we also cleaned up the pathways (Bill helped me and we sheared back anything hanging over the path. Also looks like Bill really got into it. I'm a bit scared... :P ) and picked up trash. There's always a lot of trash down there. 

Then Chris took some pups off the huge Agave "Green Giant" at the bottom end, and we replanted them in various places. You can see from the photo that this is work that brings Chris joy and contentment. Also who the heck is cutting the leaves off bigger Agaves? Kindly knock it off - you're ruining them!

We probably did a whole load of other things but I can't remember them now.

The following week we had a new volunteer group come by. The GROWTH Project is a UCSF program and we had about a dozen participants and two group leaders come by PG to help. We weeded (always!), turned compost, cut back Salvias and deadheaded Echiums. The team were great - and we got lots done. They're coming back monthly to help us out, and I'm excited for that!

But, enough - come down this Saturday from 10-12 and help us prepare for winter. It's gonna be a great day to get some fresh air!

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