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Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Agaves being smothered

Our workday last weekend was lovely - the sun was out, and Matt and I were joined by Aditi, Kresh and Kai.

Since it has rained so much, weeds have been growing a lot. And when they grow up around Agaves they can make a very damp, fungus-prone environment. Absolutely not something your average Agave likes at all. So, we spent a lot of time weeding around Agaves to make them happy.

We also planted a lot of plants!

6 Agave celsii "Multicolor" 

3 Agave macroacantha

3 Agave "Sharkskin"

1 Tanacetum haradjanii (Silver Tansy)

1 Cynara cardunculus (cardoon) 

1 Erythrina crista-galli (Cockspur Coral Tree)

Some of these went up at the top of the garden, some went by the bench. They're all plants that Matt and I have been growing for PG for years now, waiting until they were big enough to be planted out. Please keep your dogs out of the beds so they don't damage the new plants, or worse, poop on them.

Our littlest weeder Kai was very successful in filling a huge tub trug of weeds for us, wielding a little trowel and just getting stuck in. Yes, it's possible that at 18 months old he didn't do that ALL himself. Yes, it's possible his dad Kresh pulled some weeds too. But, who cares ;)

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