Welcome to PSG

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

New donations - big impact!

A couple weeks ago we got an email from lovely Susan on Potrero Hill. She had bought some Agave attenuata babies from us years ago, at a plant sale, and they had grown. A lot. In fact, she was ready to have some of her garden space back, so she asked if we could come and repatriate her Agaves to their native lands at PSG.

As we have done this sort of thing before, Matt and I looked at her photos for a split second and then said yes. We drove over with the tools needed and proceeded to remove 5 LARGE plants, and also took home some Aloe maculatas for the garden too.

We got them planted a week ago down at PRG, next to the solo Agave attenuata that we got from John that has been there for a couple years. And can we say they look fabulous? Yes, they do. We need to go back and get one last one from Susan, but meanwhile please stop by and enjoy this gorgeous contribution she has made to our fair city.

In other news, our friend Mat from Farallon Gardens donated a slew of Agave franzosinii, Agave mapisaga, Aloe cameronii and three interesting Erythrina crista-galli plants - a small tree. We're super excited to plant all these - he knows just what we like!

Come on down to the volunteer workday this Saturday to see the newness!

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