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Thursday, October 1, 2020

Let's see that yucca!

Matt and I headed to the gardens last weekend to water one or two thirsty plants. We decided it was time to plant three 3 gallon sized Yucca rostrata plants we have been holding onto, as they will probably do well without too much help until the rains start.

We decided to plant them with the other three Yucca rostrata we have at PRG - one large 4' tall Yucca rostrata "Blue Velvet" that we planted back in February 2013 when PRG was first built, and two Yucca rostrata "Blue Velvet" that are about 2' tall, planted in January 2019.

Surprisingly the ones we had planted in the past were doing well, despite the fact that a big tree mallow (Lavatera maritima) was completely shading them and dumping lots of leaves and spent flowers into their crowns. So it had to GO! Out came the saws and pruners and pretty quickly the shrub was cut back to a more manageable size.

We moved one of the medium sized yuccas to one side, and added the smaller new ones around that area to make a nice group. They're slow growing but one day this will look lovely.

We put in a 311 green waste pickup request and tidied up - hop the city can remove the branches ASAP.

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