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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

2 workdays, no mention?

We had our June workday and I didn't take any photos! What's wrong with me? Don't answer that. We did get a lot done: compost got turned by John, loads of Chasmanthe and Euphorbia characias got cut back, and mountains of weeds removed from their smug little lives by Chris, Matt and John's friend whose name I forgot (sorry!)

Jon and Joe have been weeding away like crazy in between workdays too, and cleaned up the kiosk area beautifully as well.  Check it out!

We also watered a bit - the garden is dry as can be which is usual for this time of year, but even the tough plants look a bit tired in summer.

Last week Matt and I popped out to water a couple of plants as well. We bumped into Chris who was there mulching his Agave bed - the area behind the wrong way sign.  He's been BUSY cleaning that area up and it looks outstanding. We use it as a "pup farm" for baby Agaves to grow on and they have been doing really well so it's time to rearrange them, maybe add some ground cover.

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