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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Weeds thwarted despite pandemic

Weed rampage
Last week Josh risked his LIFE to go to the garden and do some weeding. Either he's an extremely devoted volunteer, or he needed a break from reality. Either way, he demolished a load of weeds!

Also, there was additional excitement to be had. His message to me read "Exciting car crash on the bridge. Stolen Lexus totaled on the guardrail. Driver ran away but the cops got him."

I am sure the driver was speeding to the garden, keen to help us get rid of some weeds. But really folks - be like Josh. Take it easy, pull some weeds, don't break any laws. It's not worth it!

Also one wonders how much it costs to replace that guardrail over and over, and when Caltrans or DPW will come up with a better idea? Answer: Lots and never?

1 comment:

  1. the driver was probably distracted by the gorgeous weed free garden. Stay healthy and safe.


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