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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Another awful Californian day

Horrible California - glorious sunshine on February 1st! Ugh! I jest of course.

Matt, John, Chris, Saba and Waris joined me in the garden for our volunteer day and we got right down to business in the warm summer winter sun.

John weeded with gusto, clearing out pathways and beds with his classic, cheerful style: always fun, always working hard.

Chris took down geraniums behind the wrong way sign and composted like a trooper. His project to fix up the bed behind the wrong way sign is coming along beautifully.

Matt did more tree stump removal, and started a big cleanup project at the kiosk at the front of the garden. That old agave has to go: maybe next volunteer day we will finish that task!

Saba and Waris!
Meanwhile, Saba and Waris (friends of the inimitable Mikey!) absolutely transformed the Aloe nobilis hedge along the bottom path, weeding it clean and planting 16 new Aloes as well!

I planted some plants too. Quite a few actually! Matt helped. The final tally including the Aloe hedge additions was:

2 Agave gypsophila
16 Aloe nobilis
4 Cereus repandus
2 Euphorbia rigida
1 Furcraea (or Agave vilmoriniana... I can't remember) 
4 Salvia leucantha
1 Strelitzia reginae

Then when everyone went home we realized we had two big Agaves to plant... so Matt and I put them in down at PRG. Whew!

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