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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Rain means new plants

Aditi planting
Yesterday’s workday promised rain so Matt and I packed up some plants that needed to be put into the ground and assumed that nobody would show up to help plant them. Which is OK! Nobody likes working in the rain. Except us

However, we were wrong. Chris, Josh, and Aditi showed up to help us out. It's always so nice to see your friends show up to help! With our excellent core team we managed to get a good list of plants in the ground:

4 Nassella tenuissima
6 Salvia leucantha
2 Salvia canariensis
4 Furcraea selloa variegata
2 Cortaderia selloana “Silver Comet”

Other jobs were taken care of too. Chris also moved an unknown agave (any ideas on the species?) and worked on revamping the bed behind the wrong way sign - his personal project. Josh planted pups in our pup farm, I picked trash, Aditi changed out the dog poop bags, and we all noticed tiny weed sprouts... everywhere...

Matt also felled the Agave americana flower spike by the arch - after a year of flowering and seeding, it was finally done.

Despite my predictions, it didn't hit any cars or people when it came down (aaaahh!) and Matt got it all chopped up and put in bags for 311 to remove right away. We brought the dried up top home to use as a Christmas tree.

We only had one quick shower during the workday and it was great to see plants responding to the rain. Grow on!

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