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Friday, November 22, 2019

Dasy planted!

Digging another hole...
Matt and I woke up quite sore and stiff from the previous day of digging, but we knew we had to get that Dasylirion in the ground. And out of our truck, whose rear door wouldn't shut.

Happily, both John and Josh volunteered to help us, so we met them at the garden at 10am and got to work...

A suitable location was found at the top of the garden, a good 8" of wood chips removed, and a hole dug.

Dragging the giant plant...
The guys dragged the plant out of our truck, and hauled it up to the top of the garden on a tarp. I stood by and admired their efforts, smugly, while not sweating.

Then we filled the hole with water so the bone dry earth would not hurt the roots of the plant. After that, the plant was positioned in the hole and the hole back filled when the plant was upright. There was a bit of adjusting, but we got it straightened up.

I trimmed off the lower leaves that got damaged in transit, then watered it in thoroughly. After that, we all admired our gorgeous new giant koosh ball aka Dasylirion longissimum.

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